These are typical fees for the following services. Costs may vary, depending on the specific assessment needs.
For learning disabilities, ADHD, giftedness etc. Will include a screen for emotional/behavioural concerns.
(ages 7 and older): $2375
Assessment of developmental functioning (cognitive/adaptive/early learning skills): for ages 2 to 6: $1900
Includes the use of ADOS2 and ADIR and an assessment of adaptive and cognitive levels: $2900
Note: if your child has already had a cognitive assessment, or in cases where a cognitive assessment is not considered necessary, the fee will be $2300.
includes the use of ADOS2 and ADIR and an assessment of adaptive and developmental levels: $2550
*Your child will need a pediatrician appointment booked and a speech and language assessment completed before an appointment can be booked (as per the provincial government’s requirement of a multidisciplinary assessment).
For ages 6+ Includes the use of ADOS2 and ADIR, a psychoeducational assessment and a measure of adaptive functioning: $3550
Cognitive & Adaptive: $1710
Updated Adaptive only : $810
billed at $180/hour (pro-rated).